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KSC 2018

KSC 2018 : 대한심장학회 제62차 추계학술대회
10.11 Thu. - 13 Sat. / Grand Walkerhill Seoul, Korea

학술 프로그램

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Cross Specialty: Echocardiography & Cardiac Surgery Management of Ishcmic Mitral Regurgitation; Where We Stand? Theatre
Chairpersons 송재관, 정철현
Panel 박재형, 심지영, 이승현, 홍준화
08:40-09:00 Evaluation and Mechanism of Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation [Speaker] 박성지/성균관의대
09:00-09:20 Medical Menagement of Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation? [Speaker] 이승표/서울의대
09:20-09:40 Mangement of Moderate Ishchemic Mitral Regurgitation; Is MV Repair Needed? [Speaker] 김욱성/성균관의대
09:40-10:00 Mangement of Severe Ishchemic Mitral Regurgitation (Repair vs. Replacement) [Speaker] 윤영남/연세의대
10:00-10:10 Discussion
Healthcare Policy 1 미세먼지, 심혈관질환에 미치는 영향 및 개선 대책 Grand 4
Chairpersons 정익모, 박현영
Panel 강시혁, 권호장, 김창수, 나백주
08:40-09:00 미세먼지가 심뇌혈관질환 및 부정맥에 미치는 효과 [Speaker] 김원/경희의대
09:00-09:20 미세먼지가 국민건강에 미치는 영향 [Speaker] TBD
09:20-09:40 우리나라 미세먼지 저감대책은? 일본, 중국 소개 [Speaker] 김순태/아주대학교
09:40-10:10 Discussion
 Arrhythmia 5 Syncope and Sudden Cardiac Death Walker 1
Chairpersons Dong Jin Oh, Gyo Seung Hwang, Dae Hyeok Kim
Panel Ji Eun Ban, Dae-Hee Shin, Nam Sik Yoon, Sang Jin Han
08:40-08:48 How to Manage Patients with Syncope? [Speaker] Jin-Bae Kim/Kyunghee Univ.,Korea
08:48-09:03 Key Note Lecture: State-of-art: Inherited Arrhythmia Predisposing to Sudden Cardiac Death [Speaker] Takeshi Aiba/National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center,Japan
09:03-09:11 Genetic Basis of Lethal Cardiac Arrhythmia [Speaker] Jong-Il Choi/Korea Univ.,Korea
09:11-09:19 Update in Long QT Syndrome [Speaker] Jinhee Ahn/Pusan National Univ.,Korea
09:19-09:27 Update in Brugada Syndrome [Speaker] Yae Min Park/Gachon Univ.,Korea
09:27-09:35 Education (Eg. Daily Activity, Driving etc) for Patients with SCD & ICD [Speaker] Min Soo Cho/Ulsan Univ.,Korea
09:35-09:45 Disabled? or Physically Challenged? In Patients with SCD & ICD [Speaker] Dae In Lee/Chungbuk National Univ.,Korea
09:45-09:55 Policy of Support Rare Diseases [Speaker] Yunjin Ahn/KCDC,Korea
09:55-10:10 Discussion
Cross Specialty: Neurology & Intervention What We Know? What We Don't Know Walker 2
Chairpersons 김종성, 임도선
Panel 김중선, 박덕우, 방오영, 서정원, 이준, 이진수, 장준영, 정영훈
Most Catastrophic Complication during Invasive Catheterization: Iatrogenic Stroke - How To Rescue?
08:55-09:02 Discussion
09:02-09:17 Intraarterial Treatment (Thrombolysis and Thrombectomy) for Acute Ischemic Stroke: What Are Evolving? [Speaker] 이진수/아주의대
09:17-09:24 Discussion
Contemporary Trends of Antiplatelet Therapy After Ischemic Stroke - Asprin, Clopidogrel, and More
09:39-09:46 Discussion
09:46-10:01 Indication of LAA and PFO Closure: Neurologist View as Gate-Keeper [Speaker] 방오영/성균관의대
10:01-10:08 Discussion
Education Workshop 1: Intervention The Role of Interventional Therapy Non-Coronay Artery Disease Cosmos
Chairpersons 최동훈, 채인호
Panel 김원장, 민필기, 장기육
08:40-09:00 Inerventional Therapy for Carotid Artery Disease [Speaker] 이재환/충남의대
09:00-09:20 Interventional Therapy for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm [Speaker] 김주한/전남의대
09:20-09:40 Intervantional Theray for Femoral Artery Diseasae [Speaker] 강웅철/가천의대
09:40-10:00 Interventional Therapy for Critical Limb Ischemia (BTK) [Speaker] 이승환/울산의대
10:00-10:10 Discussion
Cardio-Oncology 1 All About the Cardiotoxicity Calla
Chairpersons 신길자, 윤호중
Panel 김학진, 손일석, 이윤규, 정우백
08:40-08:55 Types and Pathogenesis of Cardiotoxicity [Speaker] 임주한/인하의대
08:55-09:10 Screening and Monitoring of Cardiotoxicity [Speaker] 윤현주/전남의대
09:10-09:25 Risk Factors and Prevention of Cardiotoxicity [Speaker] 김은경/성균관의대
09:25-09:40 Treatment of Cardiotoxity [Speaker] 이주희/충북의대
09:40-10:10 Discussion
Adult Congenital Heart Disease 1 Pulmonary Hypertension in Adult Congenital Heart Disease Art
Chairpersons 정조원, 정해억
Panel 고훈, 김대희, 이상현, 황지원
08:40-08:55 Pulmonary Hypertension with Significant Left to Right Shunt: How to Treat [Speaker] 백재숙/울산의대
08:55-09:10 Treatment of Eisenmenger Syndrome in Adult [Speaker] 장소익/세종병원
09:10-09:25 Pulmonary Thromboembolism in ACHD [Speaker] 박정랑/경상의대
09:25-09:40 Combined Pre- and Post-capillary Pulmonary Hypertension in ACHD [Speaker] 김형관/서울의대
09:40-09:55 Differential Diagnosis of Pulmonary Hypertension in ADHD: Multiple Comorbidity Condition [Speaker] 장성아/성균관의대
09:55-10:10 Discussion
Hypertension 1 Debate: Start with Single Pill Combination Pine
Chairpersons 박창규, 편욱범
Panel 신진호, 유승기, 정욱진, 조은주
08:40-08:55 Cons: Not so Fast. It Is Not for Everyone [Speaker] 박성하/연세의대
08:55-09:10 Pros: Importance of Out-of-office BP Measurement [Speaker] 이해영/서울의대
09:10-09:15 Rebuttal [Speaker] 박성하/연세의대
09:15-09:20 Rebuttal [Speaker] 이해영/서울의대
09:20-09:40 Discussion
 New Frontiers in Cardiology 3 Plenary Lecture in Heart Failure Theatre
Chairpersons Young Jo Kim, Dong Ju Choi
Panel Eung Ju Kim, Jong-Chan Youn, Jin-Ok Jeong, Seonghoon Choi, Eui-Young Choi
10:20-10:40 The Past, Present and Future of HF Medical Treatment [Speaker] Barry Greenberg/Univ. of California San Diego, USA,
10:40-11:00 The Past, Present and Future of CRT [Speaker] Eugene S.Chung/The Christ Hospital,USA
11:00-11:20 The Past, Present and Future of Heart Transplantation [Speaker] Jon A. Kobashigawa/Cedars-Sinai,USA
11:20-11:50 Discussion
Healthcare Policy 2 심장재활과 2차 예방 Grand 4
Chairpersons 서홍석, 김철
Panel 김장영, 박기수, 이종영, 이찬주
10:20-10:40 심장재활은 경제적인가? [Speaker] 정익모/이화의대
10:40-11:00 심장재활의 2차예방적 가치와 주요 구성요소 [Speaker] 성지동/성균관의대
11:00-11:20 Role of Cardiac Rehabilitation Program in the Era of Statins and PCI [Speaker] 안정훈/이화여자대학교
11:20-11:50 Discussion
Es Arrhythmia 6 Current Practice and Future Perspective in Cardiac Arrhythmia Walker 1
Chairpersons 최기준, 조용근, 김대경
10:20-10:35 How to Apply Korean AF Guideline in Current Practice? [Speaker] 이정명/연세의대
10:35-10:50 How to Apply Korean Syncope Guideline in Current Practice? [Speaker] 신동금/한림의대
10:50-11:05 How to Apply Korean VT Guideline in Current Practice? [Speaker] 노승영/동국의대
11:05-11:20 How to Apply Device Guideline in Current Practice? [Speaker] 박상원/세종병원
11:20-11:35 How to Apply Korean Anticoagulation Guideline for AF Patients with PCI? [Speaker] 황유미/가톨릭의대
11:35-11:50 Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Big Data in Arrhythmia [Speaker] 박준범/이화의대
Intervention 3 My Secret Tips as an Interventional Cardiologist Walker 2
Chairpersons 홍택종, 허승호
Panel 권기환, 김수홍, 안성균, 오석규, 조진만, 최유정
10:20-10:30 How to Explain and Persuade My Procedures to Patients and Their Family [Speaker] 연태진/서울의대
10:30-10:40 My Personal Tips on Guiding Catheter Engagement and 0.014 Wire Tip Forming for CTO PCI [Speaker] 전국진/부산의대
10:40-10:50 My Special Techniques and Tricks with Bifurcation Intervention  [Speaker] 이성윤/인제의대
10:50-11:00 How Can I Protect Myself from the Various Hazard: Radiation, Back/Shoulder Pain… [Speaker] 나승운/고려의대
11:00-11:20 Discussion
Education Workshop 2: Echocardiography Echocardiography in Adult Congenital Heart Diseases Cosmos
Chairpersons 임세중, 박승우
Panel 김은경, 박찬석
10:20-10:40 Atrial Septal Defect [Speaker] 이미래/성균관의대
10:40-11:00 Tetrology of Fallot / Ventricular Septal Defect [Speaker] 박준빈/서울의대
11:00-11:20 Ebstein Anomaly [Speaker] 김미정/가톨릭의대
11:20-11:40 Patent Ductus Arteriosus [Speaker] 선병주/충남의대
11:40-11:50 Discussion
Cardio-Oncology 2 Collaboration of Cardiology and Hemato-Oncology Calla
Chairpersons 민창기, 한성우
Panel 강은주, 조은정, 조인정
10:20-10:35 Malignant Cardiac Tumor [Speaker] 정혜문/경희의대
10:35-10:50 Arterial and Pulmonary Hypertension in Cancer Patients [Speaker] 서정숙/인제의대
10:50-11:05 Cancer VTE and Anticoagulation: Evidence from Clinical Trials [Speaker] 방수미/서울의대
11:05-11:20 Arrhythmia in Cancer Patients [Speaker] 이성호/성균관의대
11:20-11:50 Discussion
Adult Congenital Heart Disease 2 How Manage Cardiovascular Disease in Pregnant Women Art
Chairpersons 허준, 김계훈
Panel 김지나, 임경희, 최은영
10:20-10:35 Hemodynamic Changes during Pregnancy [Speaker] 박성지/성균관의대
10:35-10:50 Risk Assessment and Familial Consultation before Pregnancy [Speaker] 은영민/연세의대
10:50-11:05 Prosthetic Valve in Pregnant Women [Speaker] 박재형/충남의대
11:05-11:20 Pregnant Women with Pulmonary Hypertension [Speaker] 최정현/부산의대
11:20-11:35 Management of Arrhtyhmia in Pregnant Women [Speaker] 엄재선/연세의대
11:35-11:50 Discussion
Hypertension 2 How to Improve Hypertension Control Pine
Chairpersons 김순길, 김명아
Panel 손일석, 임상현, 진선아
10:20-10:35 Control Rate of Hypertension: Korea vs. World [Speaker] 김현창/연세의대
10:35-10:50 Patient's Adherence [Speaker] 나진오/고려의대
10:50-11:05 Physician's Inertia [Speaker] 김봉준/고신의대
11:05-11:20 Healthcare System Issue [Speaker] 김대희/울산의대
11:20-11:40 Discussion
Scientific Session [Novatis] Lastest Update for Heart Failure Treatment with ARNI Theatre
Chairpersons 전은석, 최동훈
12:00-12:40 Comprehensive Positioning of Entresto in Optimizing Patient Outcomes [Speaker] Barry Greenberg/Univ. of California San Diego, USA
Scientific Session [Daewoong/ Daiichisankyo] Effective Statin Treatment Strategy in Korean Population Walker 1
Chairpersons 최동주, 강석민
12:00-12:20 Lower is Better but It Matters How We Get [Speaker] 박진주/서울의대
12:20-12:40 A New and Powerful Solution for Dyslipidemia in Hypertension [Speaker] 성지동/성균관의대
Scientific Session [Hanmi] New Insight on Intensive Treatment for Hypertension and Dyslipidemia Management Cosmos
Chairpersons 한규록, 박승우
12:00-12:20 Combination Therapy of Antihypertensive Drugs for CV Protection; Amosartan Family [Speaker] 손일석/경희의대
12:20-12:40 The Benefits of Intensive Lipid Lowering [Speaker] 최성훈/한림의대
임상심장학 연수강좌 1 [12:30-13:50] 최신 가이드라인 리뷰 Grand 4
Chairpersons 김기식, 김한수
12:30-12:50 고혈압 [Speaker] 신진호/한림의대
12:50-13:10 고지혈증 [Speaker] 김상현/서울의대
13:10-13:30 심부전 [Speaker] 최진오/성균관의대
13:30-13:50 질의 및 응답
Ethics Workshop 의사가 알아야 할 최신윤리 Theatre
Chairpersons 김기식, 박성욱
Panel 남기병, 조용근
14:00-14:25 최신 사례를 통해 본 의료기관-제약회사/기기회사 윤리 지침 - 청탁금지법 시행 이후 [Speaker] 조건미/서울아산병원 법무팀
14:25-14:30 Discussion
14:30-14:55 의사윤리지침의 법적해석 [Speaker] 박형욱/단국의대
14:55-15:00 Discussion
15:00-15:25 변화하는 연구출판윤리 [Speaker] 한동수/한양의대 , 의학학술지편집인협의회 출판윤리위원장
15:00-15:25 Discussion
임상심장학 연수강좌 2 Hot Issues in 2019- 부정맥 Grand 4
Chairpersons 최기준, 두영철
14:00-14:20 개원가에서 조절 가능하거나 추적 검사가 필요한 심방세동의 위험인자 [Speaker] 최의근/서울의대
14:20-14:40 심방세동 우리나라 최신 진료지침 [Speaker] 정보영/연세의대
14:40-15:00 PVC: Benign vs. Malignant 어떻게 구별하고 치료하나? [Speaker] 박경민/성균관의대
15:00-15:20 개원가에서 할 수 있는 급사의 예방 [Speaker] 최종일/고려의대
15:20-15:30 질의 및 응답
Cross Specialty: Acute Myocardial Infarction & Basic Research Myocardial Damage and Salvage Strategies Walker 1
Chairpersons 정명호, 백상홍
Panel 강현재, 권기환, 김원, 박상호, 배장환, 한승환
14:00-14:15 Influence of Myocardial Infarction on Endothelial Function, Neointimal Progression, and Inflammation in Non-target Vascular Territories [Speaker] 김현국/조선의대
14:15-14:30 Multitarget Strategies to Reduce Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury [Speaker] 윤창환/서울의대
14:30-14:45 Potential Role of iPS in Acute Myocardial Infarction [Speaker] 권유욱/서울의대
14:45-15:00 Infarcted Myocardium-Primed Dendritic Cells Improve Remodeling and Cardiac Function after Myocardial Infarction by Modulating the Treg and Macrophage Polarization [Speaker] 장기육/가톨릭의대
15:00-15:30 Discussion
Intervention 4 Structural Heart Intervention: Who Are Appropriate Candidates? Walker 2
Chairpersons 임도선, 김주한
Panel 강웅철, 신은석, 이중희, 이현종, 최의영
14:00-14:20 TAVR; Updated Indication and Evidence [Speaker] 박덕우/울산의대
14:20-14:40 LAAO: Who Is Beneficial in AF? [Speaker] 김중선/연세의대
14:40-15:00 PFO: How to Find Out An Cadidate to Close? [Speaker] 박재형/고려의대
15:00-15:20 Is All ASD Needs to Be Closed? [Speaker] 김주한/전남의대
15:20-15:30 Discussion
Education Workshop 3: Arrthythmia Current Practice in Management of AF Cosmos
Chairpersons 오용석, 곽충환
Panel 김태훈, 신동금, 차명진
14:00-14:20 Update in Rhythm and Rate Control [Speaker] 오일영/서울의대
14:20-14:40 Clinical Outcome of Catheter Ablation [Speaker] 김준/울산의대
14:40-15:00 SPAF: Oral Anticoagulation [Speaker] 이정명/경희의대
15:00-15:20 SPAF: Nonpharmacological Stoke Prevention [Speaker] 신승용/중앙의대
15:20-15:30 Discussion
Echocardiography 6 Role of Mutimodality Imaging in Various Disease Calla
Chairpersons 김동수, 박태호
Panel 김장영, 박성미, 손장원
14:00-14:20 In Patients with Infective Endocarditis [Speaker] 김대희/울산의대
14:20-14:40 In Patients with Cardiovacular Involvement of Conncetive Tissue Disease [Speaker] 허란/한양의대
14:40-15:00 In Patients with Aorta Disease [Speaker] 박준빈/서울의대
15:00-15:20 In Patients with Pericardial Disease [Speaker] 장성아/성균관의대
15:20-15:30 Discussion
 Pediatric Cardiology 3 Save the Aorta Art
Chairpersons Hyoung Doo Lee, Woong-Han Kim
Panel Geena Kim, Chun Soo Park, Jinyoung Song, So Ick Jang
14:00-14:15 Pathology of Coarctation of the Aorta [Speaker] Jung Sun Kim/Sungkyunkwan Univ.,Korea
14:15-14:30 Imaging for Coarctation of the Aorta [Speaker] Ki-Sung Kim/Kanagawa Children's Medical Center,Japan
14:30-14:45 How to Manage Complex Coarctation [Speaker] Tae-Jin Yun/Ulsan Univ.,Korea
14:45-15:00 Fetal Diagnosis for Coarctation of the Aorta [Speaker] Ki-Sung Kim/Kanagawa Children's Medical Center,Japan
15:00-15:15 Mid-Aortic Syndrome [Speaker] Gi Beom Kim/Seoul National Univ.,Korea
15:15-15:30 Discussion
Healthcare Policy 3 신포괄수가제 관련 Pine
Chairperson 오동진
Panel 김병옥, 신상훈, 정미향, 최병용
14:00-14:30 DRG란 무엇인가? [Speaker] 김석일/가톨릭의대
14:30-15:00 신포괄수가제 시행에 따른 현황 및 문제점 [Speaker] 최성훈/한림의대
15:00-15:30 Discussion
의료정보 세션 빅데이터를 임상에 어떻게 활용할 것인가? Oak
Chairpersons 강대용, 정욱진
Panel 나진오, 조현재, 최진오
14:00-14:15 우리나라 빅데이터의 활용방안 [Speaker] 강시혁/서울의대
14:15-14:30 Proceed with Caution When Using Real World Data [Speaker] 김헌성/가톨릭대학교
14:30-14:50 Clinical Research Guide Using Health Care Big Data (Claim Data) [Speaker] 경대성/한미약품
14:50-15:10 빅데이터 임상활용, 어떻게 하면 잘 할 수 있나? [Speaker] 정재훈/가천의대
15:10-15:30 Discussion
임상심장학 연수강좌 3 개원의가 알아야 할 최근 임상연구 리뷰 Grand 4
Chairpersons 권현철, 류재춘
15:40-16:00 고혈압 [Speaker] 성지동/성균관의대
16:00-16:20 최근의 지질수치의 조절을 통한 심혈관질환의 예방여부를 증명한 연구들 [Speaker] 한기훈/울산의대
16:20-16:40 심부전 [Speaker] 박성미/고려의대
16:40-17:00 허혈성 심질환 [Speaker] 조진만/경희의대
17:00-17:10 질의 및 응답
Arrhythmia 7 CIED Summit Walker 1
Chairpersons 김유호, 오세일
Panel 김윤기, 배명환, 임우현
15:40-15:55 Key Note Lecture: State-of-art: Past, Current & Future of Device Therapy in Cardiac Arrhythmias [Speaker] 이만영/가톨릭의대
15:55-16:03 How to Prevent & Manage CIED Infection [Speaker] 이영수/대구가톨릭의대
16:03-16:11 Update of CRT [Speaker] 신승용/중앙의대
16:11-16:19 Update of Subcutaneous ICD [Speaker] 유희태/연세의대
16:19-16:27 Periprocedural Anticoagulation during Cardiac Electronic Device Implantation [Speaker] 박종성/동아의대
16:27-16:35 Update of ICD [Speaker] 박형욱/전남의대
16:35-16:43 Update of Lead Extraction [Speaker] 박승정/성균관의대
16:43-16:51 His Pacing, Leadless Pacemaker, Remote Monitoring [Speaker] 성정훈/차의대
16:51-17:10 Discussion
Intervention 5 'How to' Issues in Antithrombotic Treatment Walker 2
Chairpersons 박성욱, 김무현
15:40-16:00 How to Select Optimal NOAC in AF Patients Undergoing PCI? - Rivaroxaban vs. Dabigatran vs. Apixaban [Speaker] 배장환/충북의대
16:00-16:20 How to Manage Blood Thinners during Procedure or Surgery? - Antiplatelet or Anticoagulant for Primary and Secondary Prevention [Speaker] 안성균/연세원주의대
16:20-16:40 How to Choose Optimal Blood Thinner after Structural Cardiovascular Intervention? - TAVI, ASD, PFO, LAA, PDA [Speaker] 박덕우/울산의대
16:40-17:00 How to Adjust Blood Thinners in Patients with Old Age or CKD? - Dose or Regimen Adjustment According to CrCl vs. GFR [Speaker] 김원/경희의대
17:00-17:10 Discussion
Education Workshop 4: Heart Failure Management of Acute Heart Failure Cosmos
Chairpersons 최동주, 강석민
Panel 김응주, 박재형, 오재원
15:40-16:00 Swan-Ganz Catheterization: Role in Acute Heart Failure [Speaker] 양정훈/성균관의대
16:00-16:20 ARNI: Recent Updates [Speaker] 박진주/서울의대
16:20-16:40 Inotropes in Acute Heart Failure [Speaker] 전웅/순천향의대
16:40-17:00 Monitoring of ECMO in Cardiogenic Shock [Speaker] 김민석/울산의대
17:00-17:10 Discussion
Echocardiography 7 Interesting Imaging Cases from Percutaneous Procedures Calla
Chairpersons 주승재, 임세중
Panel 김다래, 김미정, 윤세정
15:40-15:55 TAVR [Speaker] 홍그루/연세의대
15:55-16:10 LAA Occlusion [Speaker] 조동혁/고려의대
16:10-16:25 ASD or PFO Device Closure [Speaker] 정조원/연세의대
16:25-16:40 Paravalvular Leakage Closure [Speaker] 이승아/울산의대
16:40-17:10 Discussion
 Pediatric Cardiology 4 Inherited Cardiac Diseases and More Art
Chairpersons Nam Su Kim, Myung Chul Hyun
Panel Ji Eun Ban, Jakyoung Yoon, Kee Soo Ha, Mi Young Han
15:40-15:55 Congenital Mitral Valve Disease [Speaker] Young-Hwan Song/Seoul National Univ.,Korea
15:55-16:10 Inherited Arrhythmias Syndromes - Do We Need ICD? [Speaker] June Huh/Sungkyunkwan Univ.,Korea
16:10-16:25 Inherited Aortic Disorders [Speaker] Lucy Youngmin Eun/Yonsei Univ.,Korea
16:25-16:40 Cardiomyopathy in Children [Speaker] Jeong Jin Yoo/Ulsan Univ.,Korea
16:40-16:55 Computer Simulation and 3D Printing in the Management of Congenital Heart Disease [Speaker] Achi Ludomirsky/NYU Hassenfeld Children's Hospital,USA
16:55-17:10 Discussion
Healthcare Policy 4 공익적 임상연구-대한심장학회/심장학연구재단 미래정책연구소 Pine
Chairpersons 송재관, 김용진
Panel TBA
15:40-15:55 진료현장 자료를 활용한 의료기술 재평가 연구 사례-중재분야 [Speaker] 한주용/성균관의대
15:55-16:10 의료기술최적화 연구 사례 -부정맥 분야 [Speaker] 박형욱/전남의대
16:10-16:25 의료기술 최적화 연구 사례 - 고혈압/심부전 분야 [Speaker] 박성하/연세의대
16:25-16:40 의료기술 최적화 연구 사례 - 심혈관 영상 분야 [Speaker] 이승표/서울의대
16:40-17:10 Discussion